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  • translate
  • translate
  • translate
  • translate


Ten Steps to Happiness!

workflow 2015

1. submit your request: by phone, email, or online by filling in the form on the website

2. accompany the initial request by the document that you want to translate (any format),  the no. of interpreters, language pairs needed for your event and type of translation equipment needed;

3. offer more details like location/venue, technical specifications, terminology glossaries etc;

4. our answer is soon on the way to you with the proposed deadline, cost estimate and other technical details;

5. your confirmation is needed in order to start the job: we need just an email message for confirmation;

6. as soon as conditions have been agreed the project starts;

7. contract is signed according to what has been agreed previously;

8. translation is delivered on the agreed date;

9. invoice is issued and will accompany the contract, both to be sent to you as agreed;

10. confirmation for payment is sent on request;

Less is more!