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Language Audit

Language Auditing – identify and develop corporate English language skills.

Would you like to improve business relations, increase efficiency by improving communication in corporate environment?

We conduct linguistic audit whenever you need to:

  • include your employee in a language training programme
  • assess the proficiency of your employee/future employee language skills for a certain position or training programme

The assessment is conducted according to CEF, for more details click the following link: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Levels What the candidate can do
Beginner (A1) The candidate has no knowledge of the English language
Elementary (A2) Basic understanding of simple sentences spoken slowly and clearly Basic vocabulary and ability to understand oral and written English.
Pre-Intermediate (A2/B1) Effective and independent use of vocabulary and grammar, communication in most basic every day situations is possible. Reading and listening native- speaker excerpts is possible in basic contexts.Intermediate (B1)Fluent communication, good reading and listening in most everyday situations. The necessary grammar and vocabulary to deal with almost all contexts, although there are still gaps and in discourse.
Upper-Intermediate (B2) Fluent communication, very good reading and listening in most situations. The necessary grammar and vocabulary to deal with complex contexts, although there are still gaps and in discourse.
Advanced (C1) Fluent, accurate and well-organized discourse, only a few slips in complex and difficult situations.Proficient (C2)Excellent command of the English language and can handle difficult tasks, native speaker level.
Proficient (C2) Excellent command of the English language and can handle difficult tasks, native speaker level.